2016年5月2日 星期一

Where Am I?

Myong Hae Sunim JDPSN    

I started practicing Zen with the Kwan Um School in Lithuania in 1991. My practice there quickly pointed me in the direction of ordaining as a monastic. I traveled to Korea, ordained and soon went to Hong Kong to train with Zen Master Dae Kwan. I have been a nun now for 19 years under the guidance of Zen Master Dae Kwan, or “Sifu” as we all lovingly call her.

This last year I had the opportunity to experience our Kwan Um School in a special way. It started with me joining the three-month winter Kyol Che retreat at Providence Zen Center and then part of summer Kyol Che in Europe. At Providence, we had a different teacher nearly every week, and in Europe, summer Kyol Che took place in different countries, including the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Slovakia and Poland. It was a fantastic opportunity to meet and practice with different sanghas from our international school. Our style of practice in the Kwan Um School is the same around the world, but there are small adjustments from sangha to sangha. I experienced don’t know mind continuously while adjusting to these small differences. This was so valuable because it brought back a beginner’s mind over and over again. At the same time that I was experiencing the differences, I also experienced the sameness within our school, and this was a wonderful and warm feeling. You are at home in every place!

One interesting lesson for me was chanting the Heart Sutra in so many different languages. This was great! Usually we memorize the Heart Sutra in one language and then sometimes go on automatic when we chant it. Our mouths chant it but our minds think right along with no hindrance. This is not possible when trying to chant in a different language. Every word is completely new. Also, even though we all chant the Great Dharani in Korean, the melody would change ever so slightly from group to group, sangha to sangha and country to country. I found myself asking “Where am I? Where are we in the chant?” So again and again—back to don’t-know mind!

This was the first time that I met and practiced with so many different teachers as I traveled from Asia to the United States and to Europe. Each teacher had a different way of presenting Zen Master Seung Sahn’s teachings. Each teacher has his or her own character and life experience, creating new and lively exchange in interviews. I often laughed as much as I learned. I felt their care and their sincere wish for each of us to grow.

At first I experienced frustration with the different approaches that teachers took. Sifu, however, taught me not to attach to a “standard” answer, but rather to connect with the teacher in front of me. This meant perceiving what is happening in each moment of the interview. It was a treasure to learn different perspectives from each teacher. It is the same in our lives; there is no one formula that fits every situation. This was of great value to me and helped me to be clear in every moment, rather than depending on past experience. I completely enjoyed the process itself!

But just as wonderful and helpful as it has been to meet with so many teachers in our school, for me it has been profoundly important to have one primary teacher with whom I could deepen my practice and who guided me through thick and thin. Meeting with my primary teacher regularly meant she could point out hidden habits and show me what was sometimes so difficult for me to see clearly about myself. It was Sifu who sent me out at this point in my life to expand and to experience. I am very grateful to her.

I encourage everyone to take advantage of the unique situation in our school. You don’t need to look for other schools. Your practice can benefit greatly by meeting the many teachers and trying out the slightly different styles in the international Kwan Um School.

(From Kwan Um School of Zen, Primary Point, Volume 32, Number 3, Winter 2016)


明海法師 指導菩薩 



其中有一課我認為很有趣,就是用不同的語言去念誦心經。這體驗好極了!我們會慣常地用一種語言背誦心經,有時念誦時會自動地把它念出來。我們口中在念,但同時我們的心卻在無顧慮地思想。但當我們嘗試用另一種語言去念誦時,這是不可能的。每一個字都是完全新的。此外,即使我們全體都用韓文來念誦大悲咒,團體與團體之間,僧團與僧團之間,國家與國家之間的旋律都會有些微變化。我發覺自己在問:「我在那裡?」「我們在那裡念誦?」所以一次又一次地 回到不知的心!





2015年6月10日 星期三

秀峰禪院籌款拍賣詳情 Auction for Funding Raising



舉行日期 : 2015年6月26日上午10時至6月28日下午5時

地點: 秀峰禪院 ( 香港銅鑼灣禮頓道32號星華大廈5字樓 )

查詢電話: 2891-9315

2015年6月9日 星期二


5月31日覺修舉行了一天浴佛節。可能您已經參加過秀峰禪院的佛誕日,所以或許會問:「又來一個浴佛節?怕且是另一個聯誼活動罷了。」對了一半。透過這浴佛節,師兄弟們的確增加了彼此間的聯繫及友誼。因為這次浴佛的對象,不單只是一尊佛,而是活生生的佛 -- 同修們。

怎麼?潑水節?且慢!不是浴身,而是浴手而已。最重要是當我們互相浴手時,同時求懺,懺從無始以來,有意及無意間,從身口意,傷害過對方的行為,希望對方原諒,自己亦原諒對方傷害過我的行為。亦有同修以右手浴左手的形式,向自性中眾生懺悔。 那天同修們很誠心的各自求懺,所以其中有很多感人的場面。就連廚房菩薩亦很開心的:就像釋放心所有的感受,很清新,很快樂,自己就好像佛一樣,覺得被尊重。



在此,心元感恩有這個機會與您們分享。希望藉此難得的因緣,向您們懺悔:從無始以來,有意及無意間,從身口意,若做過傷害您們的行為,是我不懂得珍惜您們,請您們願諒心元。 感恩您們一直的扶持。祝您們法喜充滿,早日明心見性,普渡眾生離苦海。


2015年6月5日 星期五

禪學講座: 初心 Dharma Talk: Beginner's Mind



Zen mind is beginner’s mindOnly don’t know and just try. 
It is the essence of practicing Zen.