2014年12月29日 星期一

崇山大禪師圓寂十週年紀念 Zen Master Seung Sahn 10th Year Memorial


On 26 November, we invited Zen Master Dae Bong and Mu Sang Sunim to give a Dharma talk on "

Clarity in the Midst of Conflict".

在11月29日,我們很榮幸邀請了韓國華溪寺禪德法師來港,與大峰禪師、無上法師和大觀禪師分享他們與崇山大禪師生活的點滴。禪德法師自1950年代因他的父親關係便與崇山大禪師結緣, 其後曾與禪師到日本弘法。經過六十多年後,他回想起第一次遇見崇山大禪師時的情境,仍然歷歷在目!

We are honoured to have invited Seon Duk Sunim of Hwa Gye Sa Temple, Korea, as well as Zen Master Dae Bong, Zen Master Dae Kwan and Mu Sang Sunim to share their experience  with Zen Master Seung Sahn. Seon Duk Sunum met Zen Master Seung Sahn in the 1950's and later followed him to spread the Dharma in Japan. Some 60 years later, he still remember the occasion he first met Zen Master.