2011年1月27日 星期四



滿 空禪師(崇山禪師的師公)是當時是其中一所寺院的住持,所以他也需要出席這會議。會上,日本總督說:「我想幫助韓國佛教發揚光大,所以韓國佛教和日本佛教 必須成為一體。」換言之,是要韓國佛教跟隨日本佛教的律例。日本官方是希望主要的寺院都由能夠成家立室的和尚來領導。而不按日本官方指示做的佛教出家人, 便要坐牢或處死。

日本總督說完後,滿空禪師站起來走上前,指著日本總督說:「你知道山河大地從何而來嗎?」很明顯這是對總督的挑釁。雖 然總督可以因為這句話而把滿空禪師當場處死,但他不發一言,突然,滿空禪師大喝一聲:「Katz!」 然後指著總督的嘴巴說:「這張嘴巴就是進地獄之門,你的任務不是想幫助韓國佛教,你只想將之毀滅。如果你真的想幫助韓國佛教,就不要干擾我們。」然後,他 便離開,返回德崇山。當時,有六百名修行的僧尼都拒絕聽從日本的方式,而日方亦沒有為難他們。日治時代隨著二次世界大戰而結束,日本人最終要撤退。

之 後,滿空禪師從國花中摘下一片花辦,蘸墨寫下:「世界一花」四字。在這墨跡之中,沒有苦惱、沒有憤怒,也沒有排斥之心。一切人、一切事,盡在這一花之中, 沒有分別心。不論他會否證入涅槃,當他寫這四字之時,就已經止息了所有的分別心。你不用等至你的修行圓滿的時候,只要有一刻間如實地開放、廣闊、接納、慈 悲和包容。這一刻,即是佛。

大觀禪師按:讓我們向古德學習,讓這世界一花的精神開始我們新的一年,只是去處理須要處理的事情。大家一齊證入六祖的教導 — 善能分別而不作分別想;知心不動時,不生不動想。證入


The Whole World Is A Single Flower

After 1912 the Japanese were trying to crush Korean culture, language, religion. Part of that strategy was to control Korean Buddhism since it was seen as a force of resistance. One way they did that was to call the abbots of all the governing temples to Seoul to have meeting together.

Man Gong Sunim ( Zen Master Seung Sahn grand teacher ) was the head of one of those temples so he was also called to this meeting. At this meeting, the Japanese governor general said, “I want to help Korean Buddhism. So for Korean Buddhism to become strong, Korean Buddhism and Japanese Buddhism must become one school.” What that meant of course, is that they would follow the rules of Japanese Buddhism. The Japanese authorities also wanted all the major temples headed by married monks. The penalty for not following the rules set forth by the Japanese government meant imprisonment or execution.

After the governor general had finished speaking, Man Gong Sunim stood up, walked to the front of the room, then he pointed at the governor general saying, “ Do you know where the mountains, the rivers, and the great earth come from?” Clearly this was a challenge, but the governor general didn't say anything. He could have just had him executed on the spot for talking like that. Suddenly Man Gong Sunim shouted, “Katz!” He then pointed to the
governor general's mouth and said, “Then that mouth is the gate to hell. Your predecessor didn't want to help Korean Buddhism, he wanted to destroy it. If you want to help Korean Buddhism, don't touch it.” Then he left and went back to Dok Seung Mountain. Six hundred meditation monks and nuns refused to follow the Japanese style and the Japanese didn't touch them. The occupation continued until World War Two ended when the Japanese were finally forced to leave.

Then, Man Gong Sunim took a petal from the national flower, he dipped it in some ink and wrote, “Whole World Is a Single Flower.” There's no bitterness, no anger in that calligraphy.
There's no exclusion. Everybody, everything, is part of this single flower. That mind is already the end of all differences. Whether he had attained nirvana or not, the moment he wrote with that mind, that is the end of all differences. You don't have to wait until your practice becomes ripe. One moment of truly open, wide, accepting, compassionate, inclusive mind is it. That moment is Buddha.

Zen Master Dae Kwan Remarks:
Let us learn from the eminent teachers and start this year with this spirit of Whole World is a Single Flower. We just do what needs to be done. And then we can attain the Sixth Patriarch's teaching: being able to distinguish between all Dharmas and yet the idea of distinction does not arise. When our is not moving, the idea of not moving does not arise. You will then attain:

Holding up a Flower, with a Smile, Spring Comes.

In Harmony with Everyone, Accomplish Everything!

放下 Put it Down





師父: 師父提了等於沒提,已經放下。而你沒提卻反而提著,還沒放下。





Zen Master was going out, accompanied by a student.

Student: Sifu, please let me carry your bag.

Zen Master: No. Thank you.

Student: Sifu, please put it down.

Zen Master: Sifu has already put it down, carrying is not carrying. But you are not carrying the bag and yet carried it. You not yet put it down.

Student: Yes! Thank you for your teaching.

Both Zen Master and student burst into laughter.


Teacher has teacher’s job. Student has student’s job. When you are doing your job 100% just do it, that is putting it all down.