2014年10月31日 星期五

“How may I help you?”

In the past, when Sifu visited Luang Por, she would explain to him Zen Master Seung Sahn’s teachings, as recorded in the Compass of Zen. Luang Por appreciated Zen Master Seung Sahn’s teaching very much.

One time, a Hong Kong student asked Luang Por: “Do you understand Zen Master Seung Sahn’s teaching?”

Upon hearing this, Luang Por immediately stood up, placed his palms together and said: “How may I help you?”

The Buddha gave us 84,000 teachings, and there are different schools of Buddhism, such as Mahayana, Theravada and Tibetan Buddhism. Zen Master Seung Sahn used to give this example: if you want to go from Hong Kong to Beijing, you may walk or take a car, a train, or an airplane. The tools are different, but the destination is the same. For a true practitioner these traditions are not a hindrance, because these traditions are pointing directly to the mind. This mind is for all beings and is not about my way.


以前,師父到泰國探望Luang Por時,都會為他解說崇山禪師的教法,Luang Por對禪師的教法十分讚嘆。

有一次,有位香港學生問Luang Por:「其實你明白崇山禪師的教法嗎?」

聽後,Luang Por即時起立問訊道:「我可以怎樣幫助你?」


韓遇 二









在2014WWSF的開幕儀式中,大光禪師在開示中提到:在北美,關於禪修開悟的書很多,但幾乎沒有一本提到行菩薩道。這次會議主題是「生生世世行菩薩道」,我很感恩能在國際觀音禪院修習崇山禪師的教法,明白修行正確的方向就是not for self (不為自己),「行願」不是遠在天邊,遙不可及的夢想,而是要在當下一步步的去做、去執行的。願我等發願早日證入自性,救渡眾生脫離苦海。


2014年10月30日 星期四





記得 「世界一花會議」最後的表演,既有傳統韓國歌舞、鼓藝,也有西式爵士、街舞。大眾更跟隨搖滾樂而在台下前方舞動:有禪師,也有在家人;有韓國的大嬸,也有歐洲的指導師。一切都讓我回味。


2014年10月29日 星期三


世界一花之旅,帶給我很大的喜悅,在旅途上,加深了對自己行住坐臥及喜怒哀樂的瞭解,明白若能做到 just do it,放下思維,很多事情一蹴而成,喜悅之心也隨之而來。

2014年10月28日 星期二

Habit of the Tongue

Chung Shim Sunim, a sharing at Su Bong Zen Monastery

After I became a nun in Hwa Gye Sa Temple and practiced there for a year, a senior monk told me: “After the summer retreat, you will become Zen Master Seung Sahn’s attendant.” I was shocked to hear this because, to me, Dae Seon Sa Nim was high above — someone I could not get close to. I said: “I cannot be his attendant. I don’t know anything.” But the senior monk said: “No problem. You will be fine.” On the first day, I went to Zen Master Seung Sahn’s room and bowed to him. He was very enthusiastic and happy and said: “Don’t worry, no problem. Just relax.”


韓國清心法師 2014年於秀峰禪院之分享


For All Beings

Myong An Sunim,
Abbot of Haeng Won Zen Centre

For each and every day until he was sixty years old, Zen Master Seung Sahn would do one thousand prostrations every day. He would get up a couple of hours before everyone else at the Zen Centre and do nine hundred prostrations by himself. Then, after everyone got up for morning practice, he would join them for the daily one hundred and eight prostrations.









Feeling Is Thinking

Andrzej Stec JDPSN

One day in Korea, I was travelling with Dae Soen Sa Nim in the car. I said to him, “I want to go back to Poland.” Dae Soen Sa Nim answered, “That’s only your thinking.” He made his point, that thinking is no good.

Then I thought if I expressed my feelings he will allow me to go, so I said, “But I feel I have to go back to Poland.” Then immediately, Dae Soen Sa Nim turned to me and shouted so loudly with such full volume that it seemed the car windshield almost cracked: “FEELING IS THINKING!”

That was the end of the conversation.

Not saying alive. Not saying dead

Gye Mun Sunim JDPS, Abbot, Kwan Yin Chan Lin, Singapore

One day, the Master Jianyuan Zhongxing followed Zen Master Daowu to a devotee’s family home to conduct a funeral service. Placing his hand on the coffin, the Master asked, “Alive? Dead?” Daowu answered, “I will not say dead or alive.” The Master asked, “Why won’t you say?” Daowu answered, “I won’t say! I won’t say!”

After the funeral the Master and Daowu headed back to the temple together. On the way back the Master demanded, “Venerable, you have to say something to Zhongxin today. If you don’t, I’ll hit you!” Daowu answered, “Feel free to hit me if you want, but I will not say dead or alive.” The Master then punched Daowu several times. Daowu returned to the temple by himself, asking the Master to leave him. If the others at the temple knew what had happened, they would not have let the Master off so easy.

The master took his leave of Daowu and went to see Zen Master Shishuang. After relating the whole incident to Shishuang, the Master asked, “Venerable, please say something.” Shishuang answered, “Don’t you see? Daowu said, ‘I will not say dead or alive’.” At this, Daowu had a great awakening. He then prepared a feast to repent for his wrong doing.

Today, we commemorate the 10th year since the passing of Zen Master Seung Sahn. I am sharing this kong-an with the great adepts gathered here today — please have a go at it. Zen Master Seung Sahn entered Nirvana ten years ago. His form body is long gone, but what about his Dharma body? Is it dead? Is it alive?

Gathering at the Whole World is a Single Flower Conference, Zen students of the ten directions attain WU WEI!



潭州漸源仲興禪師,一日隨道吾往檀越家弔喪。 師以手拊棺曰:「生耶?死耶?」道吾曰:「生也不道,死也不道。」師曰:「為甚麼不道?」道吾曰:「不道!不道!」


師乃禮辭往石霜。舉前語及打道吾事:「今請和尚道。」石霜曰:「汝不見道吾道 ‘生也不道死也不道’?」


今日崇山禪師入滅十週年紀念日。提一公案與大家分享。請諸大德試一參。 禪師涅槃十週年,色身已消失了,其法身,生耶?死耶?

世界一花共聚會 十方禪子證無為

Great Love, Great Compassion

Zen Master Dae Bong

Zen Master Seung Sahn had Great Love, Great Compassion and Great Wisdom and Energy. He gave wonderful, inspiring, simple and clear dharma talks. His kong-an teaching was very strong, clear and meticulous. He taught us how to organize zen centers and retreats. He taught us Zen in formal practice and everyday life situations. Most amazing of all to me, was his ability to turn any situation into teaching and to “hit” his students while also inspiring them.


