2011年12月6日 星期二

跟隨佛陀的足跡 (5)Following the Foot Steps of Buddha (5)

Sangha togetherness

Sharing of all the experiences, practices, adventures and surprises throughout the trip.  The final stop in Korean temple in Lumbini was the climax especially for us the organizers.  Arriving late at night without lunch, millions of bugs greeting us and not enough rooms!   It will be a golden memoir for me for many years to come. Even though in such critical moment, all sangha was very accommodating, totally practising follow situation and just do it!

Sorry, only have picture taken in my mind in that surreal moment. 

跟隨佛陀的足跡 (4)Following the Foot Steps of Buddha (4)

These 3 photos I like to share ...

These remind me of my experience in India, PRACTICE & DO AS MUCH AS WE CAN TO MEET THE NEEDS OF OTHERS.

跟隨佛陀的足跡 (3)Following the Foot Steps of Buddha (3)

When I was small, I like my grandmother or my mother to scratch my back before I go to sleep.  Now my grand-daughter, Candice likes me to scratch her back before she sleeps.

I saw a beggar woman sat on the floor outside Mahabodhi Temple, her daughter who is about 4-5 lying on her feet.  The beggar woman used one of her hands to scratch her daughter and stretched out another hand to beg for money.  It was so touching and impressed.  The great Mother's love has no rich or poor, no high or low.  Only don't know, just do it.

Wai Hing

2011年12月3日 星期六

跟隨佛陀的足跡 (2)Following the Foot Steps of Buddha (2)

世界一花,印度之旅, 一個難以想像,亦難以忘記的旅程。在眾多難忘的時刻,我選了這兩幅照片與同修分享。這些都是令人感動的一刻。

This trip to go with the Sangha, to flow with the Sangha in India was a very special trip to me.
Out of so many unforgettable moments, I have selected these 2 images to share with you. These moments really touched me.

 At these moments, there is no Holy or not-Holy, no Buddha or not-Buddha, no poor or rich, no India or not-India.

此刻,是母親與孩子愛的眼神的交流。 The mother and child's eyes shine.

此刻,是孩子們無憂的在屋頂上遊戲與歡笑。 The Children are laughing and playing! 

元道心 Corrin




跟隨佛陀的足跡 (1)

 印度之旅實多太多值得回味的畫面 – 恆河的日出、菩提加耶的菩提樹下、那蘭陀大學的紅磚、靈鷲山上的山洞、拘尸那羅的孤兒學校、藍毘尼的韓國寺院…都令我覺得不枉此行但我最懷念的是一張張可愛的臉孔。就像這三張相片,一個是笑得純真的布店男孩;一個是晨曦中的小喇嘛; 一個是孤兒學校內漂亮的女孩;這些都是我回港後仍然十分掛念的小菩薩!


'Following the Foot Steps of Buddha': the Whole World Single Flower 2011 - Trip to India

For every three years, the International Kwan Um School of Zen organizes the Whole World Single Flower (WWSF) Conference, with the purpose of gathering students and teachers from all over the world, to come and practice together.