2011年12月6日 星期二

跟隨佛陀的足跡 (5)Following the Foot Steps of Buddha (5)

Sangha togetherness

Sharing of all the experiences, practices, adventures and surprises throughout the trip.  The final stop in Korean temple in Lumbini was the climax especially for us the organizers.  Arriving late at night without lunch, millions of bugs greeting us and not enough rooms!   It will be a golden memoir for me for many years to come. Even though in such critical moment, all sangha was very accommodating, totally practising follow situation and just do it!

Sorry, only have picture taken in my mind in that surreal moment. 

跟隨佛陀的足跡 (4)Following the Foot Steps of Buddha (4)

These 3 photos I like to share ...

These remind me of my experience in India, PRACTICE & DO AS MUCH AS WE CAN TO MEET THE NEEDS OF OTHERS.

跟隨佛陀的足跡 (3)Following the Foot Steps of Buddha (3)

When I was small, I like my grandmother or my mother to scratch my back before I go to sleep.  Now my grand-daughter, Candice likes me to scratch her back before she sleeps.

I saw a beggar woman sat on the floor outside Mahabodhi Temple, her daughter who is about 4-5 lying on her feet.  The beggar woman used one of her hands to scratch her daughter and stretched out another hand to beg for money.  It was so touching and impressed.  The great Mother's love has no rich or poor, no high or low.  Only don't know, just do it.

Wai Hing

2011年12月3日 星期六

跟隨佛陀的足跡 (2)Following the Foot Steps of Buddha (2)

世界一花,印度之旅, 一個難以想像,亦難以忘記的旅程。在眾多難忘的時刻,我選了這兩幅照片與同修分享。這些都是令人感動的一刻。

This trip to go with the Sangha, to flow with the Sangha in India was a very special trip to me.
Out of so many unforgettable moments, I have selected these 2 images to share with you. These moments really touched me.

 At these moments, there is no Holy or not-Holy, no Buddha or not-Buddha, no poor or rich, no India or not-India.

此刻,是母親與孩子愛的眼神的交流。 The mother and child's eyes shine.

此刻,是孩子們無憂的在屋頂上遊戲與歡笑。 The Children are laughing and playing! 

元道心 Corrin




跟隨佛陀的足跡 (1)

 印度之旅實多太多值得回味的畫面 – 恆河的日出、菩提加耶的菩提樹下、那蘭陀大學的紅磚、靈鷲山上的山洞、拘尸那羅的孤兒學校、藍毘尼的韓國寺院…都令我覺得不枉此行但我最懷念的是一張張可愛的臉孔。就像這三張相片,一個是笑得純真的布店男孩;一個是晨曦中的小喇嘛; 一個是孤兒學校內漂亮的女孩;這些都是我回港後仍然十分掛念的小菩薩!


'Following the Foot Steps of Buddha': the Whole World Single Flower 2011 - Trip to India

For every three years, the International Kwan Um School of Zen organizes the Whole World Single Flower (WWSF) Conference, with the purpose of gathering students and teachers from all over the world, to come and practice together.

2011年11月30日 星期三

懷念妙智法師 In Memory of Myo Ji Sunim


Myo Ji Sunim, JDPS, passed away on November 4th 2011. She had been a student of Zen Master Seung Sahn since 1976. A longtime resident of Canada, Myo Ji Sunim was ordained a nun in 1990, then trained at Seoul International Zen Center. Since 1995, she was the abbot of New York Chogye Sa Temple. You may visit Kwan Un School’s website (http://www.kwanumzen.org/author/myo-ji-sunim-jdps/) for her Inka Speech and other teachings.

2011年11月19日 星期六




9月13日,我再次回到曾經讓我進行冬安居禪修的覺修寺,不過這一次是參加中秋節家庭同樂日,及主持遊戲活動,當天的內容除了很豐富及好玩之外,這對我們來說也可以說是一次很好的學習佛法及禪修體驗。其實在這一天之前的一段時間,在我身上發生了一些人際關係之間不太愉快的事,再加上中秋節前一天剛好是「911事件」十週年,電視不斷重複報導相關的新聞,美國仍然義正詞嚴地指責恐佈份子的殘酷,那邊廂恐佈份子又揚言會進行報復。香港方面社會又充滿了對立的氣氛,警民衝突、市民以暴力破壞政府的諮詢大會、高漲的樓價又令很多市民對政府及地產霸權怨聲載道…. 我感嘆人類被稱為「萬物之靈」,為什麽現在的人類世界會充滿那麼多的鬥爭、憎恨和對立?為什麽人與人之間變得那麽冷酷?為什麼人的顏面上已失去了純真的真相?那一天世界才會聽到真正的寧靜?那一天人與人之間才會彼此尊重愛護如同手足?我仰望八月十五的月亮,渴望得到解答。






「透過這次機會,可以嘗試一下身與心的排毒。」、「過程中能學習『觀』的工夫,留心…….」,師父簡單的點題,正中心懷,沒有多想,便開展為期廿八日的 Cleansing 28 療程,希望這透支的身心靈,有個歇息、療癒、釋放機會。與其說 Cleansing,倒不如說是禪修中融入了「排毒療程」來得合適。主客分明,帶來的價值和啟發性將會更深遠。生活中的營營役役,令我們都進退失據,看來是時候停一停,傾聽身心怎麼說。

2011年5月3日 星期二



2011年2月25日 星期五




2011年2月17日 星期四







2011年1月27日 星期四



滿 空禪師(崇山禪師的師公)是當時是其中一所寺院的住持,所以他也需要出席這會議。會上,日本總督說:「我想幫助韓國佛教發揚光大,所以韓國佛教和日本佛教 必須成為一體。」換言之,是要韓國佛教跟隨日本佛教的律例。日本官方是希望主要的寺院都由能夠成家立室的和尚來領導。而不按日本官方指示做的佛教出家人, 便要坐牢或處死。

日本總督說完後,滿空禪師站起來走上前,指著日本總督說:「你知道山河大地從何而來嗎?」很明顯這是對總督的挑釁。雖 然總督可以因為這句話而把滿空禪師當場處死,但他不發一言,突然,滿空禪師大喝一聲:「Katz!」 然後指著總督的嘴巴說:「這張嘴巴就是進地獄之門,你的任務不是想幫助韓國佛教,你只想將之毀滅。如果你真的想幫助韓國佛教,就不要干擾我們。」然後,他 便離開,返回德崇山。當時,有六百名修行的僧尼都拒絕聽從日本的方式,而日方亦沒有為難他們。日治時代隨著二次世界大戰而結束,日本人最終要撤退。

之 後,滿空禪師從國花中摘下一片花辦,蘸墨寫下:「世界一花」四字。在這墨跡之中,沒有苦惱、沒有憤怒,也沒有排斥之心。一切人、一切事,盡在這一花之中, 沒有分別心。不論他會否證入涅槃,當他寫這四字之時,就已經止息了所有的分別心。你不用等至你的修行圓滿的時候,只要有一刻間如實地開放、廣闊、接納、慈 悲和包容。這一刻,即是佛。

大觀禪師按:讓我們向古德學習,讓這世界一花的精神開始我們新的一年,只是去處理須要處理的事情。大家一齊證入六祖的教導 — 善能分別而不作分別想;知心不動時,不生不動想。證入


The Whole World Is A Single Flower

After 1912 the Japanese were trying to crush Korean culture, language, religion. Part of that strategy was to control Korean Buddhism since it was seen as a force of resistance. One way they did that was to call the abbots of all the governing temples to Seoul to have meeting together.

Man Gong Sunim ( Zen Master Seung Sahn grand teacher ) was the head of one of those temples so he was also called to this meeting. At this meeting, the Japanese governor general said, “I want to help Korean Buddhism. So for Korean Buddhism to become strong, Korean Buddhism and Japanese Buddhism must become one school.” What that meant of course, is that they would follow the rules of Japanese Buddhism. The Japanese authorities also wanted all the major temples headed by married monks. The penalty for not following the rules set forth by the Japanese government meant imprisonment or execution.

After the governor general had finished speaking, Man Gong Sunim stood up, walked to the front of the room, then he pointed at the governor general saying, “ Do you know where the mountains, the rivers, and the great earth come from?” Clearly this was a challenge, but the governor general didn't say anything. He could have just had him executed on the spot for talking like that. Suddenly Man Gong Sunim shouted, “Katz!” He then pointed to the
governor general's mouth and said, “Then that mouth is the gate to hell. Your predecessor didn't want to help Korean Buddhism, he wanted to destroy it. If you want to help Korean Buddhism, don't touch it.” Then he left and went back to Dok Seung Mountain. Six hundred meditation monks and nuns refused to follow the Japanese style and the Japanese didn't touch them. The occupation continued until World War Two ended when the Japanese were finally forced to leave.

Then, Man Gong Sunim took a petal from the national flower, he dipped it in some ink and wrote, “Whole World Is a Single Flower.” There's no bitterness, no anger in that calligraphy.
There's no exclusion. Everybody, everything, is part of this single flower. That mind is already the end of all differences. Whether he had attained nirvana or not, the moment he wrote with that mind, that is the end of all differences. You don't have to wait until your practice becomes ripe. One moment of truly open, wide, accepting, compassionate, inclusive mind is it. That moment is Buddha.

Zen Master Dae Kwan Remarks:
Let us learn from the eminent teachers and start this year with this spirit of Whole World is a Single Flower. We just do what needs to be done. And then we can attain the Sixth Patriarch's teaching: being able to distinguish between all Dharmas and yet the idea of distinction does not arise. When our is not moving, the idea of not moving does not arise. You will then attain:

Holding up a Flower, with a Smile, Spring Comes.

In Harmony with Everyone, Accomplish Everything!

放下 Put it Down





師父: 師父提了等於沒提,已經放下。而你沒提卻反而提著,還沒放下。





Zen Master was going out, accompanied by a student.

Student: Sifu, please let me carry your bag.

Zen Master: No. Thank you.

Student: Sifu, please put it down.

Zen Master: Sifu has already put it down, carrying is not carrying. But you are not carrying the bag and yet carried it. You not yet put it down.

Student: Yes! Thank you for your teaching.

Both Zen Master and student burst into laughter.


Teacher has teacher’s job. Student has student’s job. When you are doing your job 100% just do it, that is putting it all down.