2015年4月27日 星期一

Strong Center

Zen Master Seung Sahn always taught that we need to have a strong center. But how do we develop a strong center? More importantly, how do we use this strong center in our daily life to help ourselves and others? I want to share a case of one of our students with you.



Returning to this moment

One student who had been overseas for three years recently returned to the zen center for a visit. He was so happy that he could join the practice and go in for a kong-an interview.

Student : Sifu, I really miss Hong Kong and the practice. It has not been easy for me to live in the West. I need to work very hard and put it all down to survive. On the other hand, this foreign place is very quiet, and there aren't that many distractions. I live a simple life. But I miss Hong Kong so much, especially practicing together at the zen center. Sifu, when can I come back to Hong Kong?




2015年4月26日 星期日


愛別離 - 爸爸的痛

羊年剛至,元宵前夕,原是人月兩團圓的佳節時分。一位37歲的父親,疑因不堪每次欲見隨母居住的女兒時, 都遭到女兒媽媽的金錢苛索,最終在壓力『爆煲』下,登上大廈天台跳樓身亡。(節錄於2015年3月4日星島日報港聞版)
