2011年12月3日 星期六

跟隨佛陀的足跡 (2)Following the Foot Steps of Buddha (2)

世界一花,印度之旅, 一個難以想像,亦難以忘記的旅程。在眾多難忘的時刻,我選了這兩幅照片與同修分享。這些都是令人感動的一刻。

This trip to go with the Sangha, to flow with the Sangha in India was a very special trip to me.
Out of so many unforgettable moments, I have selected these 2 images to share with you. These moments really touched me.

 At these moments, there is no Holy or not-Holy, no Buddha or not-Buddha, no poor or rich, no India or not-India.

此刻,是母親與孩子愛的眼神的交流。 The mother and child's eyes shine.

此刻,是孩子們無憂的在屋頂上遊戲與歡笑。 The Children are laughing and playing! 

元道心 Corrin




