2014年8月28日 星期四

Coming, Going, No Hindrance -- Zen Master Su Bong's 20th Memorial Dharma Talk

Zen Master Su Bong was the first Guiding Teaching of Su Bong Zen Monastery. 

On July 17, 1994, Zen Master Su Bong was giving a kong-an interview to a 14-year-old girl at the Hong Kong Zen Center. He asked her, “How do you perceive the sound of the world?” After she answered, he indicated that she was correct and then entered nirvana while sitting up in his full Dharma robe and kasa. The Hong Kong Zen Center was then renamed to Su Bong Zen Monastery in honor of Zen Master Su Bong.

This year is the 20th memorial of Zen Master Su Bong entering Nirvana. We held a Dharma Talk in his honor at the Leighton Hill Community Hall on July 17, 2014.

Typhoon Signal No. 3 was in force that night. Many people attended despite of the storm. A video of Zen Master Su Bong giving a Dharma talk was shown, and Zen Master Dae Kwang and Zen Master Dae Bong, who traveled to Hong Kong for the event, together with our Hong Kong teachers, Zen Master Dae Kwan and Andrzej Stec JDPSN, shared their experiences of practicing with Zen Master Su Bong. Once again, we were able to listen to the Dharma from Zen Master Su Bong and appreciate his teaching of coming and going, no hindrance.