2015年5月3日 星期日

身心兩雙安 - 千人禪修 1000-People Meditation Event

秀峰禪院在3月29日參加了大覺福行中心與溫暖人間合辦的「身心兩雙安 - 千人禪修」活動,與一千位參加者分享禪遊和坐禪的方法,體驗以呼吸攝心的輕安自在。





Su Bong Zen Monastery participated in the 1000-People Meditation event on 29 March 2015. We shared with participants the Soen Yu exercise and basics of sitting meditation.

Sifu says, the theme of the this event is body and mind both at ease. The key is to bring it to our daily life. If we could apply the methods we learned there in our daily life, we will not to be affected by outside situation, our body and mind can calm down right away and face all situations.

Meditation is to help our tainted mind to settle down, then the mind becomes clear and the mind can reset to zero. Meditation can help to reset Hong Kong people's seriously divided thinking back to zero. Just like the pointer of a scale which is moving according to the good feeling and bad feeling. This is not important. When feeling disappears, the pointer will go back to zero.

Also, this event is a joint effort of 5 different organizations, making one theme together. The joy and the spirit of together action is a big encouragement to Hong Kong. It shows that people can benefit from different methods or different ways. This is the best insight for Hong Kong people.