2014年10月28日 星期二

Great Love, Great Compassion

Zen Master Dae Bong

Zen Master Seung Sahn had Great Love, Great Compassion and Great Wisdom and Energy. He gave wonderful, inspiring, simple and clear dharma talks. His kong-an teaching was very strong, clear and meticulous. He taught us how to organize zen centers and retreats. He taught us Zen in formal practice and everyday life situations. Most amazing of all to me, was his ability to turn any situation into teaching and to “hit” his students while also inspiring them.

One time during a 7-day retreat in Poland, a Dharma Teacher went to the Zen Master before a talk she was to give. “Dae Seon Sa Nim, I cannot give the dharma talk. I have a headache.” Zen Master said, “Wonderful! No problem. Talk about your headache.”